Chapel Hill church of Christ
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."– Matt 28:19
The Chapel Hill church of Christ is a congregation that strives to live faithfully and truthfully by exemplifying Christ in all that we do. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and our endeavor is to follow it in every aspect. Our congregation is a family seeking to love, encourage, and admonish one another while growing closer to Him. Our purpose is to make disciples of Christ who are growing in our love for God, our love for His church, and our love for others. We invite you to become a part of our growing family!
Weekly Happenings
Crochet Group every Monday at 6:45 pm
Ladies Bible Study every Tuesday at 10:00 am
Outreach Group every Tuesday at 6:45 pm
The Community Table every Wednesday at 6:00 PM
PALS Thursday every Thursday (resumes Feb 6th)
Dates To Remember
Magnify Marriage Retreat - February 7th-9th
Family Retreat - February 28th-March 2nd
Ladies Day - March 15th
PALS Easter - April 5th
Making Music (Youth) - April 12th
Senior Night - May 4th
Rainbow Omega (Youth) - May 28th-31st
Vacation Bible School - June 8th-11th
Chapel Hill Bible Camp - June 22nd-27th
Horizons (Youth) - July 6th-11th
City of Children - July 12-18
High School Retreat - July 29th-31st
Go Time Devo - August 3rd